Upper Ab Fix is Here! It's the mini course you need for quick and effective exercises that target diastasis recti at and above your belly button...

For the mom with that stubborn belly button gap...

How to HEAL the gap at and above your belly button, STRENGTHEN your core, and get a smaller waistline.

You've tried core rehab exercises, you've gotten stronger and seen progress with your core strength, but that upper ab gap above your belly button just won't budge.

* You don't need more bridges and dead bugs

* You don't have an extra hour every day to add in another program

* You're done being frustrated with the gap

* You're ready to finally find a solution

You've tried core rehab exercises, you've gotten stronger and seen progress with your core strength, but that upper ab gap above your belly button just won't budge.

* You don't need more bridges and dead bugs

* You don't have an extra hour every day to add in another program

* You're done being frustrated with the gap

* You're ready to finally find a solution

You know all the "right" core exercises, but they just haven't touched that upper diastasis gap.

You avoid "wrong" exercises, but your waist isn't getting any smaller. You're frustrated and ready to take control, tighten your waist, and find a solution.

News Flash: What if the problem isn't the abs?

What if repositioning the ribs is the key to repairing that gap? How do you even go about doing that?

What if tight muscles are the culprit?

Tight muscles are not strong muscles. But trying to make them strong just makes them tighter! Tight muscles may be keeping your upper abs from fully healing. You need release work, not more crunches.

and to top it off... trying to close a gap surrounded by weak muscles just won't work.

There's a big difference between tight muscles and weak muscles. And the problem is you could be dealing with both. You've got to have a separate game plan to strengthen tight vs. weak muscles.

You know all the "right" core exercises, but they just haven't touched that upper diastasis gap.

You avoid "wrong" exercises, but your waist isn't getting any smaller. You're frustrated and ready to take control, tighten your waist, and

find a solution.

news flash: what if the problem isn't the abs?

What if repositioning the ribs is the key to repairing that gap? How do you even go about doing that?

What if tight muscles are the culprit?

Tight muscles are not strong muscles. But trying to make them strong just makes them tighter! Tight muscles may be keeping your upper abs from fully healing. You need release work, not more crunches.


There's a big difference between tight muscles and weak muscles. And the problem is you could be dealing with both. You've got to have a separate game plan to strengthen tight vs. weak muscles.

There are 3 keys to tightening the abs above the belly button.

...rib angle, oblique muscles, and breath expansion. The result of getting all three of those things dialed in...

will give you a smaller waistline, working abs, amazing movement and release, and help your core feel just plain awesome.

No one had a more messed up

core than I did after

3 pregnancies!

Hi! I'm Suzie!

You name it, my core's been through it. I've had to heal my body from the ground up after having 3 babies, including twins!

I had to take it step by step, piece by piece, starting with lower abs, then progressing on to correcting the causes of my upper ab gap. When I finally discovered this method of healing the upper abs, it all came together so quickly!

I've spent the last 7 years perfecting my core programs and sharing them with thousands of moms around the world. The programs are designed to heal your core piece by piece, starting with the low abs (the absolute foundation), and ending with the upper abs. You'll be surprised how quickly healing can happen!

No one had a more messed up

core than I did after

3 pregnancies!

Hi! I'm Suzie!

You name it, my core's been through it. I've had to heal my body from the ground up after having 3 babies, including twins!

I had to take it step by step, piece by piece, starting with lower abs, then progressing on to correcting the causes of my upper ab gap. When I finally discovered this method of healing the upper abs, it all came together so quickly!

I've spent the last 7 years perfecting my core programs and sharing them with thousands of moms around the world. The programs are designed to heal your core piece by piece, starting with the low abs (the absolute foundation), and ending with the upper abs. You'll be surprised how quickly healing can happen!

Having the precise tools you need to target those upper and middle abs so that you can change your body and heal that gap...

FEel strong in your body,

LOve what you'll be able to do, and how you'll look!

FEel strong in your body,

LOve what you'll be able to do, and how you'll look!

We need to fix the ribs, the obliques, and the breath expansion to make it all happen.

• No More Guessing...

• No More Frustration...

• No Wasted Time...

• Just Results.

• No more Guessing...

• No more Frustration...

• No Wasted Time...

• Just Results.

The Upper Ab Fix

It's exactly what you need to close the diastasis gap at and above your belly button.

  • Exercises for the right muscle groups
  • Strategies that help to close your ribs and reduce your waistline
  • Workouts that are so short and effective, even the busy mom has time for these!
What's included

three Workouts that

zero in on the upper abs

Training, education,

and practical tips

for healing

the perfect sequences to

activate the weak and tight muscles that keep your gap

from closing




Grab Upper Ab Fix today, during this special offer before the price increases. After that, the program will go into our fitness shop at its regular price of $37.

Today's the day for action.

The Ab Fixer Upper guarantee

I know you'll get so much value, education, and usable tools out of the Upper Ab Fix, that I'll back it 100% just like all our programs!

Try the Upper Ab Fix for an entire week, and if it's just not delivering, simply send an email to info@alphamamas.com within 7 days of your purchase date, and I'll send you a refund.

No questions, no problem.

Get 3 super cool bonuses with the upper ab fix

 01. weighted workout

Add weight to upper ab and oblique movements! This workout is designed to strengthen your core and your entire body.

02. plant based skin-health meal plan

You'll love these meals! You'll get 7 days worth of recipes, all focused on healing your skin from the inside out. Perfect for helping to heal belly skin!

 01. weighted workout

Add weight to upper ab and oblique movements! This workout is designed to strengthen your core and your entire body.

02. plant based skin-health meal plan

You'll love these meals! You'll get 7 days worth of recipes, all focused on healing your skin from the inside out. Perfect for helping to heal belly skin!

03. neck and shoulder release

You'll LOVE this bonus, and so will your neck and shoulders! Watch your tension melt away as you bring your head and shoulders some much needed relief from tightness and daily movements. Goodbye text neck!

Here's everything you get,

Don't miss out!

The Upper Ab Fix Workout Sequence (value $37)

The Why behind the Method ($27)

Breathing Drills to accelerate your results ($27)

BONUS: Weighted Workout ($27)

BONUS: Plant Based Skin Health 7 Day Meal Plan ($47)

BONUS: Neck and Shoulder Release ($37)




I have been training with Suzanne for 2 years now and it has been a wonderful experience. After giving birth to my third child, I was diagnosed with diastasis and was having a considerable amount of pain. Suzanne helped me strengthen my core.

- Beth, mom of 3

I never thought I'd see my belly get flatter! I'm so happy to have found you!

- Vandy, mom of 3

These workouts are fun and they kick my butt!

- Stasia Humphreys, posture expert

I have been training with Suzanne for 2 years now and it has been a wonderful experience. After giving birth to my third child, I was diagnosed with diastasis and was having a considerable amount of pain. Suzanne helped me strengthen my core.

- Beth, mom of 3

I never thought I'd see my belly get flatter! I'm so happy to have found you!

- Vandy, mom of 3

These workouts are fun and they kick my butt!

- Stasia Humphreys, posture expert

Imagine finally having the exact right workouts for that stubborn gap at and above the belly button

Reduce the gap

Strengthen the Obliques

Close your ribs

Breathe Well

Create deep Core strength and stability

  • Reduce the gap
  • Strengthen the Obliques
  • Close your ribs
  • Breathe Well
  • Create deep Core strength and stability

here's exactly how the workouts work:

Workout 1: Anti-Rotation

Target and strengthen the weak muscles that are keeping that upper gap wide

Workout 2: Rotation

Release and strengthen the tight muscles that are keeping your ribs stuck and wide

Workout 3: Floor Work

Deep core stability, getting your ribs back into place, and working upper abs plus obliques makes this workout not one to be missed

It's the program you Need

if that upper ab gap Just Won't budge.

Here's everything you get,

Don't miss out!

The Upper Ab Fix Workout Sequence (value $37)

The Why behind the Method ($27)

Breathing Drills to accelerate your results ($27)

BONUS: Weighted Workout ($27)

BONUS: Plant Based Skin Health 7 Day Meal Plan ($47)

BONUS: Neck and Shoulder Release ($37)




How is this program different than Core Corrective or Core Sculpt?

The Upper Ab Fix (UAF) differs from the other AlphaMamas programs in that it is hyper focused on one very specific area of the body. The other core programs we offer are more of a holistic approach to healing and strengthening the entire core canister, with a focus on the TVA muscles. UAF will take you through 3 specific methods of healing the upper gap and ignores the rest. Because of this, UAF acts more like supplemental workouts to other programs you’re doing. There are only 3 workouts, and they are super short. Because of that, doing them often will be beneficial, but don’t feel like it’s the only workout you have to do to get results! In fact, UAF will work just as well when incorporated with strength training, cardio, or other workouts.

When can I expect to see results?

That is going to depend on your own body and your own healing timeline. It also depends on your starting point, how often and consistent you are with the workouts, and uncontrollable factors, like genetics and hormones. But, if you devote 3-4 days per week to UAF consistently, you should see your upper gap make significant improvement in 4-8 weeks.

What Equipment Do I need?

You'll need a long resistance band, handles optional. Just a long band to pull. You'll need a small ball, a pillow, or rolled towel, and for the bonus workout, you'll also need a set of heavy weights (your choice).

Is this program really just $19?

YES, until July 31! Then the program will return to its regular price of $27. Consider this a mini-course that you can use to supplement any other workout programs you want!

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

The Upper Ab Fix has been a long time coming! I'm so excited to see how this will be THE "aha" moment and game changing piece for so many mamas! Don't miss your chance to get the upper ab fix for only $19.

Last Chance! Get the Upper Fix Today! Don't miss out!

The Upper Ab Fix Workout Sequence (value $37)

The Why behind the Method ($27)

Breathing Drills to accelerate your results ($27)

BONUS: Weighted Workout ($27)

BONUS: Plant Based Skin Health 7 Day Meal Plan ($47)

BONUS: Neck and Shoulder Release ($37)




Thanks so much for visiting our website! Here's all the legal stuff that comes with the fitness territory:

Disclaimer and Warnings:

Check with your healthcare provider before beginning this or any exercise program. The Upper Ab Fix program and all my programs are based on my professional education and personal experience. Not every program or exercise is right for every person, so you MUST consult with your healthcare provider before doing any exercises in the program. This is not a substitute for any kind of medical/professional advice. You exercise at your own risk and take full responsibility for how your body responds to these or any exercises. You agree to hold Suzanne Edwards and AlphaMamas Fitness, LLC completely harmless and not liable for any and all injuries that might occur as a result of your movements.

The Upper Ab Fix program is for information purposes only and not meant to treat, cure, diagnose or heal any diseases, illnesses, ailments, physical injuries, or abnormalities. By purchasing The Upper Ab Fix program, you expressly acknowledge that you have checked with your healthcare provider and have been cleared by them to participate in this program.